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September 12, 2007


Rainier climbing trip report

Posted by asuvorov

By Alexei Suvorov

Full report:

2005-2006. Prior to the Rainier trip I climbed Whitney twice (one was successful) and Shasta 4 times (3 were successful). Next I wanted the Rainier and I wanted it badly. I knew it is a different league so, respecting the mountain I took the preparation part very seriously: wrote a training program so that I am at the peak physical condition by the summit day and I followed the program meticulously. I was thinking about the upcoming climb every moment and all my desires, drives, thoughts, and diet were directed toward my goal. The desire to get to the top of Rainier was so great that it scared me at times, because with such a high drive and determination there seemed to be no way back – only to go ahead and climb it. Yes, I know it was very wrong and crazy, but I hope I was not suicidal ... ok, just kidding…

Since Rainier has crevasses I needed to learn roping, belaying and glacier climbing technique, so to my good luck my friend Viktor Markov agreed to be my climbing partner and to teach me the necessary techniques. The ideal size of the roped team should be 3-4 people so we were trying to find at least the third climbing partner for our team, but to no avail. We bough some ropes, carabineers, ice screws, descenders and harnesses; I read some old books (Victor brought them from Russia) on knotting, ice, rock and glacier climbing and we practiced in the Castle Rock park on vertical rock walls, which was an awesome, fun and important learning experience.



Posted by: asuvorov at September 12, 2007 09:37 PM

Klass! Y nas est' gryppa lyudei kotorue toje hotyat poehat' tyda v etom gody na July 4th weekend.
Ishem kogoto kto yje buval na gore i hotel-bu pomo4' v organizacii ili poiti s nami!
Otzovites' na

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